the curious incident of the dog in the night-time paintings

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time paintings

The Mona Lisa

I feel the Mona Lisa shows adversity because if you look at the left side of the face and cover up the other you see inner turmoil. While as if you look at The right side you see a little bit of external happiness.

Starry Night

I see it as a bunch of stars in a calm night sky, reflecting on a pond. And someone or something goes through that lake and messes up the reflection. And the pond is trying to go back to a perfect

Radical Acceptance

I see a man that looked into the topic of love and gets destroyed. He opened up like a flower and then got
snowed on and killed.

The New Yorker Dehumanization

I see a man that has conflicting interests. One has dark and deceitful interests and the other has bright and colorful interests.

It’s raining hammers, it’s raining nails

I see a woman that is going through a tough part of life. And eventually, life just starts pouring on her, and isn’t stopping.

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